(specifically my Splatoon agent ones, for now)
(they also have no names because i havent came up with them lol)
(its also a wip which is why agent 8 is the only one with an actual description and not just dot points)
Main weapon: Blaster
Instrument: Electric and Acoustic Guitar
Main weapon: Slosher
Instrument: Drums
The Agent 4 who saved Calle and the Great Zapfish in Splatoon 2. Marie never mentioned it to her, but she thinks she subconciously scouted 4 because she was wishing to see her sister again, and Agent 4 just reminded her so much of Callie when she was her age.
Main weapon: Would be Grim Range Blaster, but since its not Permitted for offical matches in the Splatlands, they just play Vanilla Range Blaster
Instrument: Bass and Lead singer
The Agent 8 who worked their way out of the underground and saved Inkopolis Square from Commander Tartar. The underground trials and working in Octavios army left them pretty traumatized and they are pretty introverted as a result. Their Schizophrenia also causes her to have halucinations, and while some of them may trigger some haunting memories for them, the Calamari Inkantation is etched into her soul, and so they also begin having auditory hallucinations of the heavenly melody, hallucinations which often improve her mood.
As she slowly becomes immersed in inkling society and their music, they are able to cope by listening, and creating her own music, music they wish to play to not only the Squid Sisters and Off the hook, but Captain 3 especially for not only helping them get the courage to escape from Octo Canyon and integrate into inkling society, but also for saving her life when she was almost turned to sludge by Commander Tartar.
To create music they have created a band with Agent 4 and Agent 3, though she didnt know Agent 3 was apart of the Squidbeak Splatoon for a long while after she became aquainted with them and had them join their band. They scouted Agent 3 because they saw the confidence and courage they displayed while performing, which reminded them of how Captain 3 performed in The Concert with DJ Octavio and the Squid Sisters on the day that saved them, that confidence was also something Agent 8 saw in not only the Captain and Agent 3 but also in Agent 4 too, this is how she knew these were the people she needed to play music with in order to play something would be able to hopefully have enough impact on the Captain as the Calamari Inkantation had on themself.
She was able to convince Agent 3 to join their band by letting them move in their new apartment they moved in in the splatlands when they moved from inkopolis square, as Agent 3 then was just a scrap collector who would sell junk from around the splatlands with their little buddy just to get by, leaving them homeless wondering the splatlands.
Main weapon: Heavy Splatling Deco